Local Research Review Board


The Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Tribal Council first recognized a need for research oversight on the Lake Traverse Reservation in October 2013, when they passed Tribal Council Motion No. 10 to establish what was then called a Tribal Internal Review Board (IRB). In June 2014, the Tribal Council passed Tribal Council Resolution No. SWO-14-055, establishing a partnership with the Collaborative Research Center for American Indian Health (CRCAIH). This partnership provided funding for the Research Office and to develop the Local Research Review Board. In September 2014, the Local Research Review Board was established and began granting permission to researchers to conduct research on the Lake Traverse Reservation. The LRRB is comprised of eight members of varying education levels, experience, and backgrounds. Each member was recruited to serve on the LRRB because of their expertise in a given areas. The education and experience of the Board members provide each research protocol a comprehensive, balanced and thoughtful review while also evaluating the cultural relevance and necessity of the research project.


LRRB 2024 Meeting Schedule

Current Board Members:Year of Membership:
Dawn Eagle2014
Dr. Sherry Johnson2014
Sara DeCoteau2014
Heather Larsen2015
Dr. Francis Arpan2020
Siyo Peters2020
Skyman Redday2023