The Higher Education Program was created in good faith by tribal council on July 19, 2001. The Higher Education Program strongly encourages and supports the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate students to have faith and confidence in their abilities to strive for and achieve their dreams.
Contact Information:
Program Director - Janell Williams:
Phone: 605.742.0150
Fax: 605.742.0140
Hours: 8:00am – 4:30pm Monday – Friday
Location: 12554 BIA HWY 711, Agency Village, SD 57262
Mailing Address: PO Box 509, Agency Village, SD 57262
The Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Higher Education Program funding is available to SWO Tribal members attending an accredited post secondary school full-time and part-time at the “undergraduate level”, “graduate level” and or “Professional Level” (e.g. Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges). Students must provide their SWO tribal enrollment verification. The field of study is not limited to any particular discipline. . Students applying for funding may attend any accredited college that is accredited by North Central Association of schools and colleges. Comprehensive universities, regional universities, two-year colleges, private institutions and online universities within South Dakota or outside of the state are acceptable as long as they are accredited. The award is disbursed to the student and is based on grade and credits earned. Award notification is given once all paperwork has been completed and submitted to the program. Deadline dates are stated on the eligibility notice. The deadline dates are approved by the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Tribal Council.
Criteria for Higher Education Program
• The student must be an enrolled member of the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate.
• Must be attending an accredited post secondary school.
• The student must pass the course with a grade of “C” or better to receive the education endowment funding.
• Undergraduate students- will be paid according to per credit hour earned.
• Graduate students- will receive the endowment incentive based on graduate level of studies and will be paid according to per credit hour earned.
• Incentive award amount is approved by council per fiscal year.
Deadline dates for submitting grades
• February 28 – For courses taken August/September through December.
• July 31 – For courses taken January through May.
• September 15- For courses taken June through August.
• On-Line & Quarter System Courses- Must be submitted within 4 weeks of issuance of grades.
Incentive programs offered through the Higher Education Office are NOT RETROACTIVE.
SWO Higher Education Program Application
Other Scholarship Opportunities
Summer Health Extern Program
2025 Summer Extern Supplemental Application
SWO 201 Application for Employment
*Applications cannot be accepted through email, only mail or in person. Applications are due March 7th, 2025.