To protect all individuals who reside, work, and visit or attend school on the Lake Traverse Reservation.
Acting Director: Pejihota Lucero - pejihotal@swo-nsn.gov
Phone: 605.698.7017
Fax: 605.698.7018
Mailing: PO Box 509, Agency Village, SD 57262
SWO SORO is charged with registering and monitoring sex offenders; maintaining a
public website; providing the community with public notification about sex offenders;
and networking with law enforcement and government agencies, among others.
SORO was developed to register and monitor sex offenders who reside, work, attend
school and visit for 8 hours or more on Tribal lands.
*Also Darkness to Light facilitator certified.
Sisseton Wahpeton Sex Offender Notification and Registration Code Chapter 75
For more information visit their website