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General Assistance Program

The Indian Environmental General Assistance Program (GAP) is an EPA funded grant. The objectives of the grant are to strengthen environmental capacity in the technical, legal, and administrative infrastructure on the Lake Traverse Reservation; environmental program oversight; building of new environmental programs; environmental code development; draft an Environmental Management Plan for the Lake Traverse Reservation; development of a comprehensive environmental outreach program; act on Tribal Council directives for unforeseen environmental problems; assist Tribe in establishment of a Tribal Historic Preservation office; and implement solid waste projects on the Lake Traverse Reservation.

Contact Erin Kiyukanpi for assistance.


Environmental Protection Advisory Committee (EPAC)

The Environmental Protection Program has an advisory committee which meets monthly.  The committee members are strong advocates, understanding the environmental issues and the importance of the program in relation to our sovereignty and jurisdiction.  The Environmental Protection Advisory Committee (EPAC) consists of a representative from each of the seven (7) districts as follows:

Big Coulee Rep      –    Winona Burley
Phone: 510-432-7640

Long Hollow     –  Yolanda Amos
Phone: 605-949-9757

Lake Traverse   – Sylvanna Flute
Phone: 605-924-0706

Enemy Swim  –    David Bird
Phone: 605-467-9198

Old Agency   –     Bryan Dumarce

Veblen   –               Helena LaBatte
Phone: 605-924-6568

Buffalo Lake   –  Cynthia Starr
Phone: 605-467-9954

Ex Officio   –  Susie Amos
Phone: 605-467-0040